Speaking Greek!

We designed to learn a bit important greek words before we go there coz we though that they don't speak english so much. ... but actually greek people can speak very good english. and it's good for us.

well, ...anyway, knowing some greek is also good for us too...let's learn a bit...
- hello, bye : yasu/yasas
- good morning : kalimera (καλημέρα)
- goodnight : kalinixta (καλησπέρα)
- thank you: s-efxaristo (σ' ευχαριστώ)
- how much does it cost?: poso kostizi

....okay!...this is enough for me to remember. I think the rest is too much..we are human, we will can understand each others in some ways for sure :D


KRISS said...
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KRISS said...

S' agapo